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anikya foundation
1. How do I apply for the Scholarship?
Ans: You may contact us on the telephone or email provided in this site and our representative will get in touch with you with in 24 hr.
2. What procedure do you follow to select the students for scholarships?
Ans: After thorough verification ofyour documents which will include the income credentials of your parents/guardians, the foundation pays the fee directly to the schools. The educational supplies necessary for the year will be provided to you.
3. Will the scholarship be for entire school or college years?
Ans: Scholarships can be given for your entire education period until college (10 +2) years. To maintain this scholarship for the following year, the student needs to reasonably perform academically well in school and maintain attendance as well discipline in accordance with the respective school policies and expectations.
4. Can I suggest any teacher or student for these scholarships?
Ans: We always welcome your references and we thank you for that.
5. How do I apply for the above scholarships?
Ans: You may download the respective form and email or WhatsApp on the telephone numbers given.
6. Can I volunteer?
Ans: We appreciate your effort and interest in our activities. Please fill in the form and we shall get back to you at the earliest.
7. Can I suggest any teacher for the excellence awards?
Yes. You can use the respective form from downloads section to nominate the teacher. You can email or WhatsApp us the filled in form.

“Every child deserves education”

India is a country with more than one billion people, and just one-third of them can read. Rapidly growing size of population, shortages of teachers, books, and basic facilities, and insufficient public funds to cover education costs are some of the nation’s toughest challenges.


+91 8801063947, +6584686457, +65 96353492

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